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Virtual Town Hall With Bill Cassidy & Steve Scalise

This morning Congressman Steve Scalise and Senator Bill Cassidy held a virtual town hall meeting this morning to discuss legislative actions and updates regarding COVID-19. They fielded live questions from constituents around the state.Congressman Steve Scalise

Congressman Scalise confirmed that assistance for impacted small businesses is currently available through the SBA. He also expects local banks to also offer assistance to their customers. Details on small business assistance currently available can be found here.

Senator Cassidy expects that legislation to assist small businesses will be passed in the next couple days. Highlights of the proposed legislation includes: rapid access to small business loans which may be forgiven if business owners are able to continue to keep employees on payroll. Larger corporations would be offered low interest bridge loans. For individuals whom have lost their jobs, unemployment benefits may be increased by up to double. Senator Bill Cassidy

Senator Cassidy whom is also a medical doctor took a moment to plead for everyone to stay home if at all possible. It is imperative that individuals self quarantine, particularly if you suspect you may have been exposed to the virus. Even if you are not exhibiting symptoms, it is possible that you may still be carrying the virus and transmitting it to others. Symptoms may take up to 14 days to surface and some younger individuals may not have any significant symptoms. Even without symptoms, you may be transmitting the virus to others around you.

This is a fluid situation and updates will be posted on the sites below as additional information becomes available.

Updates from Congressman Scalise can be found at

Additional information from Senator Cassidy is available at


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